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Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες για την απίθανη Sony a99 και τα specs;

Είμαστε λίγο πριν από την πολυαναμενόμενη παρουσίαση της ‘ναυαρχίδας’ της Sony, τη πρώτης “full-frame translucent mirror” κάμερας; φαίνεται πως αρκετές λεπτομέρειες έχουν διαρρεύσει online.

Το απίστευτο είναι πως θα έχει ΣΥΝΟΛΙΚΑ 102 autofocus points, με 40 να είναι “individually selectable,” και τα άλλα να είναι κάτι focus assisting points.

Είχαμε ακούσε πως θα έχει 36 million pixel ανάκλυση όπως η Nikon D800 ΑΛΛΑ τώρα ακούμε για 24 εκατομμύρια και έτσι η a99 θα έχει “low noise images” σε ISO 1600 έως και ISO 3200.

Στα άλλα specs: dual memory card θύρες, ώστε η μια να λαμβάνει JPEGs και η άλλη raw, ή μια να έχει φωτό και η άλλη ταινία. Μιλάνε και για νέο flash με guide number στα 60.

ΚΑΙ νέοι φακοί: ένας 50mm f/1.4 Carl Zeiss και ένας 300mm f/2.8 telephoto ενώ περιμένουμε τη Photokina σε ένα μήνα.

Το αγγλικό κείμενο λέει:

I’ve got a very exciting rumors about A99, New Flash, New Lens and some NEX rumors.
A99 in summary.
Exciting Points.
Focus Point: 102.
Resolutions: 24Mpix.
Back Panel: Like A77.

Flash Hot Shoe: ISO Hot Shoe <— This is a very exciting one because Sony finally decide to step a bit backward to ISO Hot Shoe (but more universal).
2 Individual Slots: Can do simultaneous writing using one for Raw and the other for Jpeg or can set them to be one for photos and the other for Video recording.

A99 In Detail. 
A99 will offers 102 focus point and in a local point mode (where you can select one specific point to focus), only 40 + focus points will be selectable and all the neighbors focus point will work as focus assisting points.
For the 24Mpix, this is final and this will make High ISO shooter happy because at ISO 1600, the photo looks nearly noise-free and at ISO 3200, there will be only some noises in dark area.
For the Flash Hot Shoe, this is really unexpected. Sony will use ISO hotshoe for all their upcoming Alpha lines (not sure about NEX) that will make it more appealing than before. (Hopefully, there will be an adapter for using the old flashes.

New Flash with GN60. 
The new Flash with GN60 will be ISO hot shoe and rumored to have the same look as the Canon’s 580EXII (SAR: here ot see on Amazon) on the top part while maintaining the Quick Shift Bounce for Portrait with stance. Moreover, this flash will sports an array of LED under Flash lamp for continuous light (using for Video will be a lot more pleasurable).

50mm F/1.4 Zeiss. 
There is also a rumor of 50mm F/1.4 Carl Zeiss but may not debut with A99 (However, if it would be to debut with A99, it will be a very good combo).

300 F/2.8 Nano Coating. 
This news was written as a new 300mm with F/2.8 using a nano coating and the series is not a “G” series. It could be new series for the lens (This could be a technology trade between Nikon and Sony. This is not confirmed but very likely).

New 2 NEX body (There should be more lenses instead hahahaha). 
NEX-6 (This is the same news as in Alpha Rumors) will come with a lower Spec EVF but will also come with Wifi (work like eye-fi card) can set to upload automatically to Smart Devices (iOS / Android).
NEX-5R (R is not yet finalized but very likely will be) the same Wifi as in NEX-6.

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