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Hottest Buzzwords of 2013

Τι ‘ακούγεται’ περισσότερο το 2013;


Τον όρο “SoLoMo”, όπως και το “the Internet of things” ή το “Collaborative consumption” τον ξέρετε; Είναι όροι που δεν ξέρουμε οι περισσότεροι και το Behind the Buzzwords Tumblr με illustrations παρουσιάζει μερικούς από τους σημαντικότερους όρους του 2013′. Είναι η εταιρία CreativeFeed πίσω από την ιστορία και το project “in order to explore the direction of enterprise, tech and marketing” όπως είπε η κα Sona Rai της εταιρίας.


SoLoMo = growing prevalence of localized social interaction between commercial entities and consumers through mobile devices.”

Pain points = “Pain points used to be identified in order to solve a problem so that a business could take a specific action. Now they are what makes a business take action – faster and faster.”

Collaborative consumption  = business model in which goods or services are shared, swapped, or rented over networks. Websites like Airbnb, a platform for short term home rentals, and OurGoods, a bartering network for the creative community, have changed the way that we look at the traditional e-commerce model.

crowdsourcing = “The first time I Crowdsourced, I wrote catalog descriptions. I felt a little like Elaine writing for the J. Peterman catalog. It was fun and intriguing, and, as I’m a teacher, I enjoyed the opportunity to make use of my downtime during the summer. Since last year, I’ve continued to complete HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks) to pay for my Kindle books and my daughter’s Amazon movies.”

The Internet of Things = “The age of the Internet of Things (IOT) is upon us. Soon your shoes will be permanently connected to the Internet, recording every move you make, taking precise measurement of your weight, your movement, and your position, and sending it into the cloud.”








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