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M4 Myasishchev Strategic Bomber

Αυτό είναι ένα θρυλικό αεροσκάφος, από τα σχετικά άγνωστα. Πρόκειται για το Ρωσικό βομβαρδιστικό M4 του σχεδιαστικού γραφείου Myasishchev από τη δεκαετία του 50. Για πρώτη φορά δε, εμφανίστηκε το 1954 στη Κόκκινη πλατεία ενώ από το 1952 μέχρι το 1956 κατασκευάστηκαν μόλις 35 τέτοια βομβαρδιστικά μεταξύ των οποίων και το σύγχρονο 3M.

Σπάνια αεροσκάφη, με δύο μόνο δείγματα να έχουν μείνει στο Dyagilevo, στο Ryazan της Ρωσίας.







The second one stands as a monument at the air base Ukrainka in the Far East of Russia.

But we are going to speak about the third plane which is endangered today.

It was also planned to be used as a monument in Fili, the historical area in Moscow. However the authorities changed and the plane didn’t become a monument.
Do you see that cylinder near the railway on the map?

It’s nothing but the central part of the fuselage of the third survivor strategic bomber M4.

If you walk on the territory of the factory you will be able to find other parts of the bomber.

Bearing elements of the center section are also here.

And some smaller components.

According to the photographs almost all parts of the plane are still on the territory of the company but they are decaying.

How nice it would be to see this plane assembled and standing somewhere in Moscow where it was built or at some museum. But till then everything is bad – workers take small parts away and maybe soon there will be nothing to assemble this vehicle from.

via and lenivship

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