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Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM

Καλές οι φωτογραφικές μηχανές αλλά τι είναι ένα σώμα χωρίς τους φακούς του;


Και έτσι ένα ακόμη μοντέλο από τη Sigma που ανακοίνωσε επισήμως τον 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM:


World’s first* lens offering an aperture of F1.8 throughout the zoom range.SIGMA 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM

The Sigma Corporation is pleased to announce the new Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM, the large aperture APS-C format standard zoom lens.
What makes a standard lens ideal for you?

Certain important qualities are required, such as fast maximum aperture, versatility for snap shots, portraiture and indoor photography plus a good combination of a wide range of focal lengths in a compact design.

SIGMA 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM is the first zoom lens ever to achieve a maximum aperture of f1.8 throughout the zoom range. It is a wide aperture, standard zoom-lens for digital single lens reflex camera’s with APS-C size sensor’s.

The lens has a focal range equivalent to 27mm – 52.5mm in a 35mm format and it can cover the angles of view of multiple fixed focal length lenses. This wide aperture, standard zoom lens enables the photographer to expand creative possibilities on any occasion.





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