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Sony – το ‘Third Party Production’ Group θα φέρει περισσότερα games στο PlayStation…

Η προσπάθεια για περισσότερα games θέλει κίνητρα…


Και το κάνει η Sony.


More Great Games Coming to PlayStation via Third Party Production Team

Hello Gamers.

Moments ago, Adam Boyes introduced the latest addition to the Third Party Relations family at Playstation, a new group that I get to captain called Third Party Production. The Third Party Relations team at PlayStation is well known for developing solid relationships across this industry, and this new group will work closely with our publishing partners to bring their beloved IPs to some new places. This means you’ll see even more great games on PlayStation platforms, including new IP’s, ports, and localized products. In addition, our partners who are currently in production will have us as a resource to strengthen their development process, ensuring quality and consistency on all Third Party projects.

I’m really excited for our team to explore new opportunities on behalf of PlayStation. Even though we’re brand new to PlayStation, we’ve got years of experience in this industry already under our belt. We already have a project underway, the recently announced PS Vita version of Borderlands 2. We are extremely excited to work with Iron Galaxy Studios on this project and I cannot wait to show and tell you more down the road.

I will share more with you as our adventures continue and new games are made available.

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