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Anonymous – διαρροή 3,700 εγγράφων για ΧΑ και όχι μόνο…

Και η Ελλάδα στο στόχαστρο τους…


Τα έγγραφα είναι από το “A3 Directorate for Southeastern European Countries of Greece’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)” και από μια επιχείρηση που ονομάζεται “OpGoldenDawn.”

“We all know how bad the situation in Greece today is, alongside the economic mayhem the government allowed Nazis from Golden Dawn to sabotage the integrity of entire country and European principles of freedom and moral,” είπαν οι hackers.

“Today we deliver first sucker punch in a series of jaw breaking leaks, to reveal the truth about the Greece government involvement in conspiracy to spy on us with the help of its ENISA and OSCE cybercrime units. Those responsible for arrests of our fellow lulz charged with OP Payback. 13 is a sacral number so we will deliver one punch to reach exactly that.”

Οι hacktivists καλούν τους πάντες να κάνουν αντίγραφα…

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