Δεν είναι μόνο προδιαγραφές το στάνταρ του Low-energy Bluetooth. Και το Elgato Smart Key μοιάζει μια ιδιαίτερα καλή ιδέα για $40.
Τι κάνει; Μα αυτό που έχει χρόνια επιθυμήσει ο ξεχασιάρης…!
If you can’t remember where you last saw your keys, the Elgato Smart Key iPhone app will tell you the GPS location of where the two devices were last in contact. Through the app you’ll also be able to make the Smart Key play a sound to help you find your keys when they are down the back of the sofa. Not only that, but attach them to your keys and your iPhone will alert you when you walk off and leave them somewhere. Leave one in the glove compartment of your car, and the app will show you were you parked a if you need reminding …
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