Gadgetfreak :: Not Just Tech
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Sony A7s “The Drone” – το viral μια μελλοντικής εποχής…


Μια A7s αναλαμβάνει το γύρισμα μιας ταινίας τρόμου ‘αλλιώς’. Δείτε!

Και τις μας είπε ο σκηνοθέτης:

As a huge Sony fan, we decided to shoot “The Drone ” at a friend’s house using my Sony A7s. It was a two day shoot and I was trying to accomplish the modern horror trailer look, with a very limited budget. Luckily my Zombeavers DP Jonathan Hall was available. He brought his set of Rokinon DS lenses which allowed us to pull focus legitimately. I love my Sony FE lenses, but the lack of geared focus and iris rings would have made it a nightmare for our 1st AC to properly follow the actors.

The A7s was great, obviously because it allowed us to shoot in low light conditions – plus, having been spoiled by shooting my first feature in ARRIRAW, it was exciting to be able to use the A7s picture profiles for more dynamic range and the RAW-like flexibility to accomplish legitimate color-timing in post. I didn’t want to limit my base ISO to 3200 (S-Log limitation on the A7s), so I chose these settings instead:

Gamma = cine 4
Color = s-gamut
Detail = 0 (default)

gamma = cine 2
Color = s-gamut
Detail = 0 (default)

Some people recommend dialing down the detail and adding sharpening in post, but I prefer to keep it set at zero. We also rented a modest light kit and a speed rail slider to add some production value – and I colored the project with a combination of FCP, Premiere Pro and the FilmConvert plugin.

I was very happy with the result. I switched over to Sony from Canon about a year ago and I couldn’t be happier. I’m looking forward to getting an RX100M4 this week to experiment shooting 4k and super slow-motion with a pocket sized camera!

Jordan Rubin, Director

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