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Camera Module Market – ποιοι φτιάχνουν τις κάμερες για τα selfies σου;

Μια τεράστια αγορά που θα γίνει… κολοσσιαία. Η  αγορά Compact Camera Module (CCM) αναμένεται να διπλασιαστεί στα επόμενα 5 χρόνια.


Το να μετρήσει μια αγορά δεν είναι και τόσο εύκολο. Η Yole Developpement λοιπόν ανέλαβε να ετοιμάσει τα νούμε στο 2015 Camera Module Industry Report. Ποιοι είναι λοιπόν υπεύθυνοι για τα θαυματουργά αυτά πραγματάκι;


Driven by mobile and automotive applications, the CCM industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8% from 2014 – 2020, reaching a total aggregate revenue of US$51B by 2020.

Automotive module revenue reached $1.2B in 2014, and growing at a CAGR of 36% should reach $7.9B by 2020. This exceptional growth has mainly benefited the CCM industry’s second-tier players, but the response of market leaders will be worth watching.

There is a different market trajectory for the lens and sensor markets, which are now maturing at ~14% CAGR with the emergence of giant billion-dollar companies. The CCM and auto-focus manufacturing markets, which are still very fragmented and growing at ~20% CAGR, should experience consolidation over the next five years.

The current CCM industry is controlled by Asian firms, mainly Korean and Japanese, but we’re also witnessing the rise of Chinese firms and the restructure of Taiwanese firms. An ongoing price war has leveled the market, and most players have operations in China or Vietnam.”

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