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Sony Alpha 7RII – έσπασε τα κοντέρ στο dpreview…


The a7R II pushes the boundaries of not just mirrorless, but also cameras in general. It has many new features that photographers of the future will wonder how they ever lived without. And while skimping on simple common-sense core features like direct AF point selection or touch-based AF is bordering on inexcusable at this point, much like some aspects of the ergonomics, the a7R II garners our top award – and one of our highest ever scores – for its sheer photography-accelerating technical prowess.

Καμιά έκπληξη. Είναι το μηχανάκι που θα ήθελαν σήμερα όλοι οι φωτοlovers. Απλά και κατανοητά.

Διαβάστε πως και τι ‘έπαθε’ το dpreview που love it or hate it είναι αναφορά για το σύμπαν. Αυτά.

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