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Raspberry Pi – 10 εκατομμύρια μονάδες


“There was no expectation that adults would use Raspberry Pi, no expectation of commercial success and certainly no expectation that four years later we would be manufacturing tens of thousands of units a day in the UK and exporting Raspberry Pi all over the world.” Είναι επισήμως το πιο πετυχημένο British PC ever!

Από το 2012 και όταν λανσαρίστηκε, το Raspberry Pi πούλησε 10 εκατομμύρια μονάδες. Το starter kit Raspberry Pi με πληκτρολόγιο και mouse. Με SD storage card, επίσημη case, τροφοδοτικό, καλώδιο HDMI κοστίζει πλέον £99.

Και όπως έγραψε ο κος Eben Upton στο blog:

“There was no expectation that adults would use Raspberry Pi, no expectation of commercial success and certainly no expectation that four years later we would be manufacturing tens of thousands of units a day in the UK and exporting Raspberry Pi all over the world.”

Χωρίς αμφιβολία, ο βασιλιάς των mini-PCs.

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