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Tι θα έχει ο Sony 135mm FΕ;

Μερικά πολύ ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία μας δίνει το sonyalpharumors για έναν πολυαναμενόμενο φακό πορτραίτου!

Πηγή τους είπε:

What is almost sure for about FE 135 GM:
– lack of stabilization
– weather sealed
– aperture is still a question but for now we can say it will be f/1.8 for 80% chance. There were ideas that it should be even f/1.4 as the target of the new lens is to be a killer for other portrait lenses but PERSONALLY I don’t give big chances on that. The value of f/2.0 is rather impossible.

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