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Yashica Y35 Digifilm Camera

Η Yashica είναι μια γιαπωνέζα με ρίζες από παλιά. Πηγαίνουμε πίσω στο Nagano του 1949 ενώ, οι μεγαλύτεροι, τη θυμούνται για την Electro 35 rangefinder του 1965. Και τώρα…

… η εμπνευσμένη από την Electro Y35 Digifilm Camera. Με φακό 35mm f/2.8 και 14-megapixel αλλά κυρίως μια άλλη εμπειρία. Ρυθμίζεις το ISO χάρη στα.. digiFilm cartridges! Πρέπει ακόμη να “wind the film” ανάμεσα σε κάθε λήψη με μια analogική εμπειρία.

Όλα γράφονται σε SD ενώ το “film” λειτουργεί με AA μπαταρίες. Τι σκέφτονται…

The Unprecedented Camera – digiFilm™ Camera Y35

Coupled with the masterpiece design of the first electronic controlled shutter camera in the world, the YASHICA Electro 35, featuring with the Unprecedented digiFilm system, YASHICA Y35 camera brings in an extraordinary photography experience.

In both appearance and sensation, YASHICA Y35 recaptures the joy and meaning of analogue-photography but eliminating the time and expense required for film development.

Taste as analogue camera, need to load a “digiFilm” to create your album. A brief pause is required to wind on the film before shooting. At this millisecond of pulse, it grants us time to inspire and think, the exact moment the shutter snaps.
The digiFilm™ System

The innovative digiFilm system was created by YASHICA. It features a glass lens for super sharp photos, an advanced automatic mode that makes sure every shot is perfectly exposed with an aperture of 2.8 as well as lot of creative digiFilm.

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