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Τη σύνοψη έκανε το SonyAddict:
- We will continue to develop A-mount cameras and lenses (first time they committed to developing lenses)
- Translucent mirror has unique advantages
- A-mount lets you use old Minolta optics
- The focus has been on E-mount because there are more gaps
- a99II has been well received
- UHC-8300 and it’s 8k recording was brought up in relation to the 2020 Olympics
- E-mount is better for video and A-mount is better for photos
- There is a contraction in the professional video market because the difference between high-end video equipment and the consumer level is very little today.
- Sony refreshes products frequently to stimulate the market, but continues support for a long time and sells old models for many years, unlike competitors.
- They are always expanding their pro support
- Sony doesn’t see compact cameras or entry level ILC going away due to cellphones.
- Sony is doing R&D into a variety of new image processing techniques like L16.
- Still not the right moment for them to enter medium format even thought hey could easily.
- Their priority is to meet the demands of professionals.
- Sony doesn’t do big firmware update because they believe the camera should be maximized when shipped.
- Curved sensors are better for fixed focal length lenses and do not work well with zooms.
- Can’t say anything about their multilayered sensors yet.
- Sony made full frame lens development their priority and will not get back to APS-C, which might include a 100-400mm equivalent like the recently released full frame lens.
- G Master is generally reserved for full frame
- Sony’s biggest optical is making brighter glass for professionals.
- There will be no full frame camera without an EVF.
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