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Έρχεται η ταινία ‘ThunderCats’

Ναι, ήταν ώρα να γίνει και αυτό. Φαίνεται πως έχει βρεθεί ο σκηνοθέτης της ταινίας που θα βασίζεται στα αγαπημένα μιας ολόκληρης γενιάς κόμικ! Είναι ο κ.Adam Wingard που έχει επιλεγεί από την…

…Warner Bros. την προσαρμογή στον 21ο αιώνα της κλασικής σειράς των 80s, ThunderCats. Όπως λέει το ρεπορτάζ, ο σκηνοθέτης του Godzilla vs. Kong θα συνεργαστεί με τον κ.Simon Barrett ενώ δήλωσε “μεγάλος θαυμαστής” των ThunderCats.

“My real obsession with ThunderCats came in high school, the pinnacle of me deciding I wanted to be a filmmaker, and pushing in that direction…I actually spent most of my 10th grade year, I completely blew it. I didn’t pay attention in school, made terrible grades. And the reason? I was writing my ThunderCats screenplay through my entire 10th grade year. I heard there was a ThunderCats script out there and it happened to be set up with some of my producers on Death Note. I asked them, I want to rewrite this script with my friend Simon Barrett. This is a huge passion thing for me. Nobody on this planet knows or has thought as much about ThunderCats as I have.”

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Από τα λόγια αυτά φαίνεται πως μιλάμε για έναν ΜΕΓΑΛΟ φαν!

Σχεδιάζει να δημιουργήσει ένα “new type of fantasy sci-fi spectacle film” με αισθητική κλασική. “I want to do a ThunderCats film that takes you back to that ‘80s aesthetic. I don’t want to reinvent the way they look; I want them to look like ThunderCats.. I want to do a movie you’ve never seen before. A hybrid CGI film that has a hyper real look and somehow bridges the gap between cartoon and CGI. That’s the starting point, and Simon Barrett and I are getting into the script now”.

Για να δούμε τι θα δούμε…

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