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Το επαναστατικό ρομποτικό Rheinmetall Mission Master SP

Παρά τις πολλές δοκιμές, έχουμε δει ελάχιστες φορές να μπαίνουν σε παραγωγή οχήματα αυτόνομα που να φτάνουν στα όρια που θέτουν οι ΕΔ πολλών χωρών. Ακόμη, η ρομποτική δεν “πολεμά”. Αυτό εδώ, το δημιούργημα της Rheinmetall, είναι ένα…

…Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle (A-UGV) που, εκτιμά η εταιρία κατασκευής, θα μπορεί να δώσει λύσεις. Το Mission Master SP είναι εφοδιασμένο με ένα “Rheinmetall Fieldranger Multi remotely controlled weapon station” που έχει επάνω δύο επτά σωλήνων εκτοξευτές ρουκετών των 70 mm από την Thales Belgium και μπορέι να ρίνει τα Thales FZ275 70 mm Laser-guided Rockets (LGRs) βλήματα, κάτι που έκανε με στόχο ένα όχημα 4×4 που βρισκόταν 4 χιλιόμετρα μακριά.

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Η εταιρία μας λέει: The Rheinmetall Mission Master is a unique family of Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles (A-UGVs) designed to support military troops in dangerous missions, difficult terrain, and hostile weather conditions. On top of being valuable for reconnaissance and surveillance operations, the Mission Master platforms can be fitted for tactical overwatch, fire support, medical evacuation, CBRN detection, communication relay, and any other type of missions that may require the support of an A-UGV.

Each Mission Master vehicle is already networked with both Rheinmetall’s soldier system and the Rheinmetall Command and Control Software, which are compatible in any user’s battle management system.

The Mission Master SP is a low-profile A-UGV engineered to provide assistance and reduce danger to dismounted soldiers in a wide range of missions, including high-risk situations. With its low-signature electric motor, the Mission Master SP excels in any scenario requiring stealth and agility.

This A-UGV is built for forward and last-mile resupply missions, silent watch operations, and carriage of light payloads, such as section sensors and weapon systems. Compact and highly mobile, the Mission Master SP can follow troops as a buddy, letting soldiers get closer to the enemy without being seen or heard.

Rheinmetall Mission Master XT: Highly mobile and powerful

The Mission Master XT is a rugged A-UGV designed to accompany troops in all kinds of missions, especially in challenging environments. With its total mobility in extreme terrain and advanced amphibious capabilities, the Mission Master XT reliably transports payloads of up to 1000 kg in even the most unforgiving conditions.

A reliable ally in the field, the Mission Master XT can travel 750 km without refuelling. In addition, an integrated battery facilitates silent watch operations for several hours at a time, extending this A-UGV’s capabilities even further. Robust enough to handle platoon or company sensors and weapon systems, the Mission Master XT lets units increase their range and firepower with heavier-calibre weapons and larger optics than they would otherwise be able to carry.

A modular design for all platforms

Extremely versatile, Mission Master A-UGVs can perform any mission profiles using a wide variety of modular payloads. Each module comes on a sturdy plate, preconfigured and ready to be bolted and plugged into the base platform within minutes. Any specific requirements can be fulfilled with Rheinmetall’s made-to-order A-UGV solution. By working closely with each customer, Rheinmetall guarantees the right solution for every need.

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