Μια συνεργασία που φέρνει κάτι πολύ ιδιαίτερο στις θάλασσες. Το EXPV concept που έχουν ετοιμάσει οι Harrison Eidsgaard σε συνεργασία με…
…την Feadship είναι, πολύ απλά, ένα γιοτ από το Μέλλον.
“Developed for clients who wanted to explore the world and enjoy their own privacy while entertaining guests in luxurious comfort along the way, the 87-metre EXPV concept by Harrison Eidsgaard in collaboration with Feadship takes a completely fresh and unconventional approach to what large yachts, especially explorers, should look like. Jan-Bart Verkuyl, Feadship Director / CEO Royal Van Lent Shipyard and Peder Eidsgaard, founder and partner of Harrison Eidsgaard describe this design as ‘radical but logical’.”
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