Ο World Photography Organisation ανακοίνωσε τους νικητές των διάσημων Sony World Photography Awards 2023 σε ένα ειδικό gala ceremony στο Λονδίνο. Εκεί βρέθηκε in London η ιστορικός τέχνης Kate Bryan που τα…
…παρουσίασε ενώ μεγάλος νικητής αναδείχθηκε ο Edgar Martins από την Πορτογαλία που πήρε το βραβείο Photographer of the Year μαζί με $25,000 μετρητά αλλά και συλλογή από Sony digital εικόνας εξοπλισμό. Ο Martins ταυτόχρονα είχε την ευκαιρία να κάνει μια παρουσίαση της προσωπικής δουλειάς του στην έκθεση Sony World Photography Awards.
Την ίδια ημέρα ανακοινώθηκαν και οι δέκα νικητές για την 2η και 3η θέση του Professional διαγωνισμού αλλά και των κατηγοριών Open, Youth και Student όπως και ο νικητής για πρώτη φορά της κατηγορίας Sustainability Prize – έχει αναπτυχθεί μαζί με το United Nations Foundation και την Sony Pictures’ Picture This initiative,
Εδώ εστιάζεται η λήψη σε άτομα, οργανώσεις κ.ο.κ των οποίων οι δράσεις είναι κοντά στους United Nations environmental Sustainable Development Goals.
Η έκθεση Sony World Photography Awards 2023 άνοιξε στο Somerset House στο Λονδίνο στις 14 Απριλίου και θα κρατήσει έως και την 1η Μαίου 2023. Εκεί θα υπάρχουν 200 εκτυπώσεις και εκατοντάδες άλλες εικόνες σε digital προθήκες από τις κατηγορίες των νικητών και επιλαχόντων φωτογράφων. Στην ίδια έκθεση υπάρχει και η επίδειξη της κατηγορίες Outstanding Contribution to Photography του Ιάπωνα φωτογράφου Rinko Kawauchi.
Our War is an original and nuanced tribute to the photographer’s late friend the photojournalist Anton Hammerl, who was abducted and killed on 5 April 2011 by government militia, during the Libyan Civil War. Frustrated by unsuccessful attempts to ascertain the whereabouts of his friend’s last mortal remains, Martins took matters into his own hands and travelled to Libya. He was brought in covertly by a petrol smuggler and was immediately faced with enormous challenges working in such a volatile environment. Realising that he would not be able to carry out a thorough and independent investigation, Martins instead chose to reflect on the question: ‘how does one tell a story when there is no witness, no testimony, no evidence, no subject?’
In Our War Martins conjures and alludes to the absent central figure through a series of portraits of the people Hammerl had connected with and those involved in the fighting (freedom fighters or their descendants, ex-militia, local residents, Gaddafi loyalists or lookalikes, and so on). They were chosen because they either resembled him, had similar ideas and beliefs, or reminded Martins of him at different stages of their friendship. The project explores the idea of absence, of documenting, grieving, and honouring a subject as well as reflecting on the role of photography within a conflict zone. Martins’ approach is to confront these questions head-on: to embrace the idea of the fragmentary and the many contradictions and ambiguities intrinsic to war.
Commenting on his win Martins says: ‘It is a huge honour to be recognised and although I am philosophical about awards and the subjective nature of someone’s choice, knowing that there were over 180,000 entries to this year’s Professional competition, is very humbling. In this case, it is also quite an emotional experience because I get to honour my friend on a world stage and bring attention to the family’s plight to find his remains. There’s no award that has the reach of the Sony World Photography Awards.’
The Open competition celebrates the power of a single image. Winning photographs are chosen for their ability to communicate a remarkable visual narrative combined with technical excellence. Chosen from the 10 Open category winners, Dinorah Graue Obscura (Mexico) is Open Photographer of the Year 2023 and the recipient of the $5,000 (USD) cash prize, Sony digital imaging equipment and global exposure. Graue Obscura won for her arresting image entitled Mighty Pair, entered in the Natural World & Wildlife category. The black and white photograph depicts a pair of crested caracara birds in Southern Texas, perched together upon a branch, and staring fixedly in the same direction. The photographer felt as if the majestic birds of prey were almost posing for the camera, as they sat motionless and identical, gazing out beyond the frame.

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