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Collins Aerospace NextGen Spacesuit – Νέα στολή για αστροναύτες

Μια νέα στολή για αστροναύτες έρχεται. Η εταιρία Collins Aerospace παρουσιάζει την next generation space suit της που, όπως λέει, έχει σχεδιαστεί από αστροναύτες για αστροναύτες.

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Η περιγραφή της νέας στολής αφορά κάτι εντελώς νέο:

“As a trusted industry leader and provider of astronaut spacesuits for NASA throughout history, Collins Aerospace now delivers a fully redesigned, adaptable, next generation spacesuit for tomorrow’s crewed missions.

The latest suit, designed by astronauts for astronauts, balances the most innovative engineering and advanced technology available with optimized mobility and size accommodation – fitting the 1st to 99th percentile of body types – for increased comfort, situational awareness and mission task capability.

Our high-performance suit, also called the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU), is the world’s smallest spacecraft. Its core design makes it 90 percent extensible across space missions to low-Earth orbit, the Moon and Mars with a common logistics footprint.

And with missions to the Moon and Mars planned for the near future, the Collins next generation EMU is the right choice when it comes to keeping future astronauts and commercial passengers well, comfortable and ready for space travel – wherever their explorations may lead.”

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